What Happens When I Order a Windshield Phone Mount?
  1. As soon as you place your order we will start preparing your order for shipping.
  2. You will get a confirmation email right away. As soon as we start preparing your order you will get a second shipping email with a tracking number.
  3. Within 5 business days you will be able to start enjoying your new Rokform windshield phone mount.

What if I change my mind?

We have a 60 day 100% Money Back Guarantee in case you decide to return your suction cup car phone holder. To learn more about this guarantee please see our Return Policy.


What if I have a problem?

Our Rokform suction cup phone holder for car use has2 Year Warranty to make sure that you have the best Rokform experience. Our Customer Service team is here to help drop them a line by emailing info@rokform.com


Is It Safe to Use a Windshield Phone Mount?

Rokform V3 Suction windshield phone mount provides an ultimate hands-free experience, allowing users to safely access their GPS, music, and answer calls while driving. For maximum safety, make sure your windshield suction cup mount is properly installed and secured to the windshield to hold your phone firmly and safely in place.


How Strong Is the Suction Pad on the Rokform Windshield Phone Mount?

Our suction cup windshield mount is incredibly strong, allowing users to efficiently mount their device to any flat, non-porous surface. When you're attaching our windshield holder, press down firmly to ensure the suction cups have a tight seal. Once you've attached it in place, you have safe handsfree usage even if you drive over potholes and bumps.


What Is the Primary Purpose of the Rokform V3 Windshield Phone Mount?

The Windshield mount is designed to provide an ultimate hands-free experience, allowing users to safely access their GPS, music, and answer calls while driving. If you've been disappointed by cheap suction things for phones, you can rest assured our windshield suction cup phone mount is strong and won't budge when mounted right. See what our customers have to say about the quality of our windshield suction mount!