Does this come with the mount and case or just the mount?
- This product listing is just for the Universal Ball Adapter Phone Mount. You will have to purchase your case separately. Any of our Rokform cases will work with this mount!
What happens when I order?
- As soon as you place your order we will start preparing your order for shipping.
- You will get a confirmation email right away. As soon as we start preparing your order you will get a second shipping email with a tracking number.
- Within 5 business days you will be able to start enjoying your new Rokform Product.
What if I change my mind?
- We have a 60 day 100% Money Back Guarantee. To learn more about this guarantee please see our Return Policy.
What if I have a problem?
- We have a 2 Year Warranty to make sure that you have the best Rokform experience. Our Customer Service team is here to help drop them a line by emailing